Personal Branding Tips

4 Personal Branding Tips That Will Drive the Success of Your Business

Presenting yourself to people on the internet is something that makes up an important part of personal branding. It plays an important role in establishing you as an industry expert, and making you become an influencer. By making proper use of personal branding, you can get on the path that will get you worldwide recognition and increase the chances of success for your business. Here are 4 personal branding tips that will drive the success of your business.


Personal branding requires you to be completely authentic. Everyone has their own personal traits that help people determine who they are. You might have a strange way of dressing, maybe you like singing in the shower, or maybe you just have these very strange gestures you make when you’re talking because you’re so excited. Whatever it is that makes you ‘You’, embrace it and let it help you stand out from the rest.


One crucial element of branding of any kind is consistency. It does not mean that you just have to be consistent about your posting schedule. It means you have to make sure there’s a consistency in everything that you do which will essentially define the branding of yourself with the branding of your business. While many people might suggest having a lot of versatility in the content you portray is good, you will find much better results when you stick to being consistent. When you are branding yourself, people come to expect certain things when they see social media posts by you. Fulfill those expectations and make your audience fall in love with the content you provide on a consistent basis.

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Maintenance WordPress Site

5 Tips For Building A Low Maintenance WordPress Site

WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder, with over a quarter of the internet’s websites currently using it. It is simple, requires no coding or developer experience to use, and allows websites to be built with minimal costs.

However, WordPress site maintenance can take up a lot of your time, especially if you aren’t an experienced developer. Maintenance is very important to make sure that your site remains in optimal condition for search engine crawler bots, to prevent broken links from popping up too often, and to make sure that your page load speeds stay fast.

If you don’t have a lot of time to spend on maintenance, then you need to design a low maintenance site. Below are our top five tips for building a low maintenance WordPress website:

  1. Find a decent host:

Different hosting providers work differently. In general, you should stay away from cheap ones with a poor reputation, as they can cause your website to load slowly, can lead to data loss, and can have a lot of downtime. Try and find a low maintenance hosting provider who offers instant restores, one-click backups, and other features.

  1. Don’t use too many plugins:

Things like plugins and toolkits can stop working or work differently with different updates, which means that you should choose your plugins carefully. Only use those which are essential, and do your research before choosing which ones to use.

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Maintaining Your WordPress Site

Top Tips For Maintaining Your WordPress Site

Some sort of online presence is extremely important in the modern world of business. Many small businesses choose to take their services partly or entirely online, and they therefore need to build themselves a website. WordPress is the world’s premier website building platform, and is used by small business owners and web designers throughout the world to create their own sites.

However, as a business owner, you will probably have limited time to spend maintaining and updating your website. It is therefore very important to make sure that you try and create a low maintenance website which isn’t going to require hours of work a week to stay up and running. Our top tips for maintaining your WordPress site efficiently include:

Limit Your Plugins:

Plugins are great. The allow you to do things which you otherwise wouldn’t be able to, they can simplify otherwise complicated actions, and they can streamline your website and make it more user friendly. However, plugins can also cause your site to run slower, and they can require regular maintenance as you update your website. Limiting your plugins to those that you really need will help reduce the amount of website maintenance you have to perform.

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What will eCommerce be Beyond 2018?

2019 will see the global ecommerce giant Amazon hit the quarter century mark for its birthday. With almost 40 percent of the whole ecommerce industry being the playing ground for Amazon, it is estimated that it will only grow larger and larger within the coming years.

Despite the fact that Amazon has been around for almost 25 years now, the company and the ecommerce industry in general is still quite a nascent field in the larger scheme of things. In fact, Jeff Bezzos, the CEO of Amazon still says that every day is Day 1 at Amazon.

Even with the advances in technology making the ecommerce industry boom, there is still a lot of success to be had in this industry. A lot of market opportunities await going forward. Here is a look at what ecommerce will (most probably) be like beyond 2018.

Multichannel Ecommerce Enables Buying Everywhere

Multichannel ecommerce will make buying possible anywhere in the world a lot easier. Through the decoding of all the nuances and answering the “who, what, when and why”, multichannel ecommerce industry is all about striking the fine balance between the different avenues that ecommerce companies will be exploring to market their wares. Multichannel retailing is going to allow ecommerce companies to prosper by allowing purchasing from literally anywhere.

Mobile First

With more and more of the world moving mobile, it only makes sense that the ecommerce industry is also going to see a big impact of it. With the prospect of Shopify moving towards proactively taking a mobile first approach and offering mobile payment options to their customers, the sales they will make are going to skyrocket.

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Branding With WordPress

Branding With WordPress – Theme Selection

When it comes to website development for small businesses, it is extremely important to make sure that your site and any other online content is clearly branded. Before you start building your WordPress website and  online presence, you need to sit down and think about your brand, what you are trying to convey, and how you are going to do that. WordPress theme selection is one of the best ways to make sure that your website is branded how you want it to be, as different themes are able to convey different meanings.

What Is Meant By Branding?

Branding – especially in a digital sense – is about building and developing your brand so that your website visitors and customers have a clear sense of who you are and what your vision is. Branding can be done in a variety of ways, including:

  • Your WordPress theme selection, which can contribute to the overall impression that people get when they visit your website for the first time.
  • Your website design, which is very important to complement and add to your theme.
  • Your content and writing style, which can create subliminal messages in the mind’s of your readers, causing you and your business to appear in a certain way.

When branding your online content, it is important to remain consistent across platforms. For example, you need to make sure that you use the same logo and design scheme across both your website and your social media pages.

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First WordPress Blog

Starting Your First WordPress Blog

People throughout the world write regular blogs for a number of reasons. Some people enjoy writing, and find that a digital blog is the simplest way to share their thoughts with the world. Other people want to share the things that they are doing – such as travelling or living abroad – with their friends and family. Regardless of your aims, WordPress is undoubtedly the most popular blog and website creation platform.

Starting your first WordPress blog – and indeed, building your first simple website – can be quite difficult, especially if you have limited training and web development knowledge. However, it actually isn’t that hard to do, as this simple step by step guide will show. To create your first WordPress blog, you need to:

  1. Find and Register a Domain Name:

First, you need to decide what you want your blog to be called. Once you have chosen a name, you need to choose and register a domain name. This is relatively simple, and can usually be done at the click of a button. Most hosting providers (more on this in a minute) allow you to choose and register your domain during the website creation process, so let’s move onto the next step.

  1. Find a Hosting Provider:

Once you have decided on a name for your new blog, you need to find a hosting provider. What is hosting you ask? Basically, a hosting provider gives you the server space and processing power that you need to run your website. Basic hosting doesn’t need to cost more than a couple of dollars per month, but it is important to consider the following when choosing your hosting provider:

  • Their reputation, as a poor quality host can come with a range of problems which will make our blog suffer.
  • How much server space you are allocated, as less server space means that your blog will be able to cope with less visitors. If you plan on attracting a large audience, you should probably go for a premium hosting plan.
  • Any extras they offer. Some hosting providers offer additional features like regular website backup, website downtime monitoring or, as mentioned above, domain registration.

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